Photo of my Mum & Dad

Hand painted by me when I was eighteen

Dad was a bit of a drunkard. Good fella. Never violent. Why he was a drunkard, we will leave to another story.

Mum was a bit of a 'goer'; a bit of a fighter. She could always hold her own.

When dad used to come home after a drink, he would sometimes like a mug of cocoa.

One night he came home 'blindo'. "OO! I'd love a cup of cocoa." He said to mum. "OK I'll make you one," she replied.

She went to the kitchen and took a whole block of Exlax, (a chocolate laxative), put it in a mug, poured boiling water

over it and gave it to him.

"This cocoa is a bit hot," he said. "Oh, stop soddin' moanin' and get on with it," mum said as she had a good giggle.

It did not take long for the 'cocoa' to take effect. He dashed into the downstairs lavy. Mum said that he could have shit

through the eye of a needle.

"Flo, Flo," he gasped. "I'm dying, bring the kids to me so that I can say goodbye to them!"

"As far as I'm concerned you can F*****g well die", mum said.

Dad wasn't very well the next day!

Needless to say, whenever we have visitors and tell them this story they refuse the offer of a mug of cocoa!!