Found this info here :-


The AYLWARD name is derived from the old English name Aethelward, meaning "noble protector" (cf the modern "adel vaardare" in Swedish). It is of patronymic origin - that is it is derived from a personal name. The "original" Aethelward is, presumably, the one in the Encyclopaedia Britannica who was one of the noble family of Wessex, and a near descendant (his nephew I believe) of King Alfred of burnt cakes fame.

It is not a very common name, except in certain parts of Ireland. The Aylward shield represents the Irish branch, who are all usually descended from Ailward Juvenus, a merchant from Bristol, who was granted extensive lands in Ireland by Henry II, probably for his help with Henry's invasion of 1172. The lands include an area in the South-east called Aylwardstown - very difficult to find (its now mostly a cattle farm). In County Kilkenny there is also another area that has a lot of Aylwards, and there is even a castle - Shankill Castle in Paulstown, that was owned by the Aylwards until the male line died out in the late 1800s. It was then owned by the Toler-Aylwards, who finally sold it in the late 1980s. [For information on Shankill Castle see "A guide to Irish County homes" by Mark Bence-Jones (Constance)].

You come across the Aylward (or Ailward) name quite commonly in mediaeval times. As an example, below is the story of St Godric who is of the Ailward family.

Shankill Castle in Paulstown http:/

One merchant, became  Saint Goderic. This holy man's father was named Ailward, (I am Aylward) and his mother Edwenna (I am Edward)  became a saint.


Found this info here :-

Medieval Sourcebook:
Reginald of
Durham: Life of St. Godric [12th Cent]

Was this one of my noble forebears? His father's name was Ailward & mother’s name Edwenna!



The growth of trade in the middle ages is of overwhelming significance. By the 13th century towns and trade, even though comprising a minority of the population, dominated the Western economy. This has widespread ramification - the monetization of life, the possibility of communally rather than aristocratically sponsored art, the possibility of urban subcultures and so on. On a wider level, it was this expansion of trade which in a later age pushed European states to establish the world system of the modern period.

Since literature was long the domain of aristocrats and clerics, we sometimes miss direct early accounts of merchant's lives.


 One merchant, Godric, became a saint and hence we do have an account of his life.


This holy man's father was named Ailward, and his mother Edwenna. Both of slender rank and wealth, but abundant in righteousness and virtue.


They were born in Norfolk, and had long lived in the township called Walpole.... When the boy had passed his childish years quietly at home; then, as he began to grow to manhood, he began to follow more prudent ways of life, and to learn carefully and persistently the teachings of worldly forethought. Wherefore he chose not to follow the life of a husbandman, but rather to study, learn and exercise the rudiments of more subtle conceptions.

For this reason,' aspiring to the merchant's trade, he began to follow the chapman’s, (peddler or hawker),  way of life, first learning how to gain in small bargains and things of insignificant price; and thence, while yet a youth, his mind advanced little by little to buy and sell and gain from things of greater expense. For, in his beginnings, he was wont to wander with small wares around the villages and farmsteads of his own neighbourhood; but, in process of time, he gradually associated himself by compact with city merchants.

Hence, within a brief space of time, the youth who had trudged for many weary hours from village to village, from farm to farm, did so profit by his increase of age and wisdom as to travel with associates of his own age through towns and boroughs, fortresses and cities, to fairs and to all the various booths of the market-place, in pursuit of his public chaffer.

He went along the high-way, neither puffed up by the good testimony of his conscience nor downcast in the nobler part of his soul by the reproach of poverty....

Yet in all things he walked with simplicity; and, in so far as he yet knew how, it was ever his pleasure to follow in the footsteps of the truth. For, having learned the Lord's Prayer and the Creed from his very cradle, he oftentimes turned them over in his mind, even as he went alone on his longer journeys; and, in so far as the truth was revealed to his mind, he clung thereunto most devoutly in all his thoughts concerning God

At first, he lived as a chapman for four years in Lincolnshire, going on foot and carrying the smallest wares; then he travelled abroad, first to St. Andrews in Scotland and then for the first time to Rome.

On his return, having formed a familiar friendship with certain other young men who were eager for merchandise, he began to launch upon holder courses, and to coast frequently by sea to the foreign lands that lay around him.

Thus, sailing often to and fro between Scotland and Britain, (as Ted Aylward did!), he traded in many divers wares and, amid these occupations, learned much worldly wisdom....

He fell into many perils of the sea, yet by God's mercy he was never wrecked; for He who had upheld St Peter as he walked upon the waves, by that same strong right arm kept this His chosen vessel from all misfortune amid these perils.

Thus, having learned by frequent experience his wretchedness amid such dangers, he began to worship certain of the Saints with more ardent zeal, venerating and calling upon their shrines, and giving himself up by wholehearted service to those holy names. In such invocations his prayers were oftentimes answered by prompt consolation; some of which prayers he learned from his fellows with whom he shared these frequent perils; others he collected from faithful hearsay; others again from the custom of the place, for he saw and visited such holy places with frequent assiduity.

Thus aspiring ever higher and higher, and yearning upward with his whole heart, at length his great labours and cares bore much fruit of worldly gain. For he laboured not only as a merchant but also as a shipman ... to Denmark and Flanders and Scotland; in all which lands he found certain rare, and therefore more precious, wares, which he carried to other parts wherein he knew them to be least familiar, and coveted by the inhabitants beyond the price of gold itself; wherefore he exchanged these wares for others coveted by men of other lands; and thus he chaffered, (bargained), most freely and assiduously. Hence he made great profit in all his bargains, and gathered much wealth in the sweat of his brow; for he sold dear in one place the wares which he had bought elsewhere at a small price.

Then he purchased the half of a merchant-ship with certain of his partners in the trade; and again by his prudence he bought the fourth part of another ship. At length, by his skill in navigation, wherein he excelled all his fellows, he earned promotion to the post of steersman....

For he was vigorous and strenuous in mind, whole of limb and strong in body. He was of middle stature, broad-shouldered and deep-chested, with a long face, grey eyes most clear and piercing, bushy brows, a broad forehead, long and open nostrils, a nose of comely curve, and a pointed chin. His beard was thick, and longer than the ordinary, his mouth well-shaped, with lips of moderate thickness; in youth his hair was black, in age as white as snow; his neck was short and thick, knotted with veins and sinews; his legs were somewhat slender, his instep high, his knees hardened and horny with frequent kneeling; his whole skin rough beyond the ordinary, until all this roughness was softened by old age....

In labour he was strenuous, assiduous above all men; and, when by chance his bodily strength proved insufficient, he compassed his ends with great ease by the skill which his daily labours had given, and by a prudence born of long experience.... He knew, from the aspect of sea and stars, how to foretell fair or foul weather. In his various voyages he visited many saints' shrines, to whose protection he was wont most devoutly to commend himself, more especially the church of St Andrew in Scotland, (where Ted had his first Scottish holiday!), where he most frequently made and paid his vows. On the way thither, he oftentimes touched at the island of Lindisfarne, (where Ted went when on holiday!), wherein St Cuthbert had been bishop, and at the isle of Farne, where that Saint had lived as an anchoret, and where St Godric (as he himself would tell afterwards) would meditate on the Saint's life with abundant tears. Thence he began to yearn for solitude, and to hold his merchandise in less esteem than heretofore....

And now he had lived sixteen years as a merchant, and began to think of spending on charity, to God's honour and service, the goods which he had so laboriously acquired. He therefore took the cross as a pilgrim to Jerusalem, and, having visited the Holy Sepulchre, came back to England by way of St James [of Compostella].

Not long afterwards he became steward to a certain rich man of his own country, with the care of his whole house and household. But certain of the younger household were men of iniquity, who stole their neighbours' cattle and thus held luxurious feasts, whereat Godric, in his ignorance, was sometimes present. Afterwards, discovering the truth, he rebuked and admonished them to cease; but they made no account of his warnings; wherefore he concealed not their iniquity, but disclosed it to the lord of the household, who, however, slighted his advice. Wherefore he begged to be dismissed and went on a pilgrimage, first to St Gilles and thence to Rome the abode of the Apostles, that thus he might knowingly pay the penalty for those misdeeds wherein he had ignorantly partaken. I have often seen him, even in his old age, weeping for this unknowing transgression....

On his return from Rome, he abode awhile in his father's house; until, inflamed again with holy zeal, he purposed to revisit the abode of the Apostles and made his desire known unto his parents. Not only did they approve his purpose, but his mother besought his leave to bear him company on this pilgrimage; which he gladly granted, and willingly paid her every filial service that was her due. They came therefore to London; (where Ted’s parents were born!), and they had scarcely departed from thence when his mother took off her shoes, going thus barefooted to Rome and back to London. Godric, humbly serving his parent, was wont to bear her on his shoulders....

Godric, when he had restored his mother safe to his father's arms, abode but a brief while at home; for he was now already firmly purposed to give himself entirely to God's service. Wherefore, that he might follow Christ the more freely, he sold all his possessions and distributed them among the poor. Then, telling his parents of this purpose and receiving their blessing, he went forth to no certain abode, but whithersoever the Lord should deign to lead him; for above all things he coveted the life of a hermit.

From Reginald of Durham, "Life of St. Godric, " in G. G. Coulton, ed. Social Life in Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1918), pp. 415-420

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(c)Paul Halsall Mar 1996

Finchale Priory - photo taken May 2001

Cross that marks Saint Godric’s tomb

Finchale Priory is located in a very pleasant setting, a few miles outside Durham City on the banks of the River Wear. It was founded by St Godric in the eleventh century, before he became a saint. Godric was a hermit and was told about Finchale in vision, even though he had never heard of it. Godric lived a very solitary life here and survived to the age of 105.

Finchale was a hermitage until it was made a priory which was dependant on Durham Cathedral in 1196.

A rough stone grave within the ruins of the later church is thought to be the last resting place of Saint Godric.

During Gilbert de la Ley's lifetime many famous men were living in the area, the most celebrated being Godric the Hermit, who had established himself in a cell at Finchale and lived there for 60 years. Finchale had by the 12th century become a well-known ecclesiastical centre, and in the years 792, 798, and 810 Church Synods had been held there.

In 1110 the fame of St. Godric, who was supposed to have performed many miracles, attracted pilgrims from far and wide. The path taken by pilgrims from Witton would be by Strait Stirrups (Findon Hill) and Pity Me to Finchale.

It is recorded that Godric performed miracles on two Witton persons; one Robert, son of Uctred, and the other a child, whose name is not given.

It is believed that Gilbert de la Ley was prompted in his charitable work by St. Godric's good example. His generosity was not confined to Witton alone. Kepier Hospital, about four miles distant, had been sacked and burned to the ground. When it was to be re-built a record reads, "Gilbert, the Chamberlain, gave leave to the house of Kepier to fix their mill dam and mill pool in his land at their pleasure, which donation he makes for the good estate of his master Hugh Pudsey, Bishop of Durham, his brother, Himself, and his wife Papedy".

For a full story of Saint Godric’s life click here.