I have formatted her text to fit the html page. I have not corrected her grammar or spelling. Therefore her text is in the same state as her mind ..... (sic). Chloe dear, please refer to your Latin abbreviations.
I call her dear, because she has little horns on the top if her head - (and the number 666 on her scalp! Is that a snide remark!?)
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me? Just go though this section
- Chloe's section - and see all the detailed information and documentary proof.--------------------------------------------------------
Chloe's letter and my replies
Her letter is in black, my replies in maroon.
I have decided it is time to put a stop to your malicious lies and vindictiveness,but first I will make a statement and put my side.I know this will be challenged by snide remarks and a continuance of stupid remarks and replies to cover up what YOU HAVE DONE TO ME AND YOUR OWN FAMILY, (Who you are so proud of by doing a family tree,which no one is interested in anyway and no living member of your family look at or talk to you.)Only Mark your 'Great Nephew' who knows nothing about you or the rotten things you did to your own children and me.
Judge for yourself whether these are 'snide remarks' or valid comments on her letter.
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
I have tried to put behind me all the nasty horid things in my old life because Jesus tought forgiveness and love and this is in my life now.People who know me love and respect me.Yes I have some problems with Carljr.He is going through a tipical teenage faze which is worse than most because of his time in care but we will overcome these problems as we have overcome so many others.I am getting the help I need now which I lacked in his early years.
When people call upon Jesus, beware of hypocrisy. See the hundreds of words here,
in Chloe's section, for how she has abused CJ (Carl Jnr.)She talks of her Christian forgiveness. Can you see any of it? I'm not a Christian. On moral principles I hate a person who is beyond being a sadist .... beyond being psychopathic. That is how I see Chloe.
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
Your lies told to doctors all those years ago and which you repeated to the Social Workers was what caused Carljr to be taken from me.That Tavistock Report was written from information which you provided she didn't see my medical records and it was that and that alone that caused him to be put into care. It took a long time to get this true information into the Scottish Courts.
Not true. In thirteen years I have written three letters, and had two phone calls with the authorities. Each time it has been as a result of Carl being concerned about his son's welfare. Chloe's guilt makes her paranoid! She even 'saw' me at Peterborough station. I have never been there!
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
You even tried to turn my children and my friends against me but all have seen through you and YOUR.WICKEDNESS.I am not lonely and did not have a lonely Christmas,sorry.It was unfortunate that Angie and Kevin did not come this year because of ill health but that did not spoil my enjoyment of the day I am sorry that Carlsr.feels he has to keep phoning you to tell you what is going on.He phones me all the time telling me what you are doing.As you know he is sick like you and gets his amusment from carrying tales.He like you have nothing better to do.Well you will not be getting anymore information from him as I will not be phoning him about any problems which may or may not occur.
Why was she alone at Christmas (with all her 'Christian friends' around!)? I was almost alone ( and not ashamed of it), not by choice - it is just the way things have turned out.
You also keep telling Carl that you won't ring him any more. Read my lips, "HE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO RING!" You keep saying you won't write to me - DON'T.
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
You say your life with me was hell,well my life with you was hell also,and why I stuck it for so long I don't know? You kept me short of money even when the children needed things your needs always came first,like the time when you used my dad's Death Grant cheque to buy a tape recorder before we even had any furniture,when Kevin needed shoes you LENT me £5 and then deducted it from my housekeeping the following week.Yes you took me out when it suited you to pub crawls with the boys as an accessory never to anywhere I might have wanted to go like the theatre or a concert or a show,things I am enjoying doing now with my friends.
I lent her £5 for a pair of shoes? Can't remember that. What I do remember is that she had an agreed housekeeping and I was responsible for rent, electricity etc. and big clothing expenses. If it did happen, it is most likely that I had given her the money for the shoes and she spent it on something else. As a token, I may have said I would lend her the money. Anyway, her money handling abilities are well known. She has been made bankrupt twice. Even with her present income of pension plus disability payments and (£180/week?) for CJ she still gets £30/week from Mischa. AND, AND she is in dire debt!
She talks about her dad's death grant that I borrowed. True. We had just moved into a new house, that's why it was not furnished. But, within a short time we had a good home. That did not come out of thin air! It was bought with my wages as a bus conductor, with wages of £5-8s-0p/week plus OT. I had £1 week pocket money if I was lucky!
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
Where did you take me before we got married? Spiritualist meetings,which are to blame for my illness together with your illtreatment and lack of care or consern about anyone but yourself. It is all down in my medical records."The husband is a odd cold,rigid and dogmatic man, he is anxious to put the twins into care.He is then likely to leave home."The husband is a cold unemotional man who dislikes the fact that his children all resemble the patient and have the apperience of being mixed race He sends his wife to coventry and passes messages through the children or with notes.His motives are highly suspicious"
She says that I am to blame, by taking her to spiritualist meetings, for her mental condition. There is just three years between us. I was 20, she was 17. She was as responsible as I was in making decisions. I was not educated nor was she. I was naive, as she was. She was always keen on going. Let's examine the view of the psychiatrist.
We moved to Scotland in December 1969 and within a few weeks she had had a 'breakdown', and was found by the police hitching on the M72. She was taken to Glasgow Central Police Station, and I went with either Mischa or Lesley (can't remember) to collect her. A few days later she was taken into Hartwood Hospital. I spoke to her doctor, and told him about the spiritualism and Chloe's religious mania. I asked him if I were to blame. He said, "No, Mr Aylward, you are in no way to blame. If it hadn't been the spiritualism or religion, it would have been something else." So, I was not to blame. When I was taking out a divorce action, I again spoke to him, to ask for a letter confirming what he had said. His reply! "Mr Aylward, you must take a lot of blame. I can't give you a statement saying that!" I hasten to add, that he was a drunken lush! When you went into his office, you immediately smelt the BO and whiskey. So, where does that leave us?
The evil woman has tried to play the 'race card'. In the fifty years that I have known her, she has never done that. She must be getting very desperate to use it now to try to hurt me, and blacken my name! She says," he ... dislikes the fact that his children all resemble the patient ...... mixed race ...." No-one, not even those who do not like me, could ever say that I had ever, in any way, been ashamed, or even conscious of her colour. I cannot believe that that is on a medical record. At no time, during all the problems that we have both experienced, has any social worker, counsellor or medic, made any reference to a mixed marriage problem. I can understand the comment of cold, rigid, dogmatic. I can (did) come over like that. BUT, a racist, NEVER. Lesley would scream if she could.
The only 'extra marital' affair I have ever had, was when I was divorcing Chloe in 1960, and had been separated for six weeks, was with a Jamaican girl, my clippie on the busses. How can I be concerned about race or colour? Sod it, I've said enough.
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
These are some of the things doctors have said about you and are on my medical records.Is that a nice record of your charactor? I have kept in touch with all our friends over the years and have made many more and continue to do so all the time.The old friends remember how you treated me and what you did.(Is that why you say nasty things and slander them as well now?)They remember how you tormented me and goaded me, pretending you were having afairs,YES YOU DID GOAD AND PREVOAK ME.Then the silences which drove me out of my mind and caused that first breakdown.It was a Depresive Mental Breakdown and the first origional suposed diagnosis of me having Schizophrinia was disolved by a doctor who stated that he believed that my delema was brought about because of to much involvment with spiritualism(WHO GOT ME INVOLVED IN THIS YOU DID)
She has kept in touch with all her friends. I know, I BLOODY KNOW, and so do they. They're bloody fed up with her writing to them! She has NEVER let a contact pass. She keeps a list and spends a fortune in stamps writing to people, without getting answers.
Me, pretend to have love affairs? It took me all my time to get her to accept the truth - no girl friends! She was jealous enough. ( This has prompted me to write my
'Girl Friends' section)The first breakdown was not caused by me not talking to her. Up to that time, I had not done that. She had her first 'breakdown' when I got my first good job with Ford. At the time, she said that she was worried that if I got a good job, I would leave her for a better woman. She was convinced, because she had been told by a spiritualist, that I would leave her for a blonde! Her 'breakdown' was stimulated by religious mania.
Many times I spoke to Chloe, and explained that we should talk as adults. She would rant and rave, scream and shout, and jump up and down, stamping her feet. It was impossible to talk to her. She would hold a knife at my throat, and spitting in my face, hiss, "You bastard, you f*****g bastard, go on, hit me, hit me, then I'll have you!" This happened dozens, if not hundreds of times. She also held scissors in my back in bed. And she turned all the gasses on and tried to gas us. AND, she told me many times that she had poisoned my food. So, one time, when we were quiet, I said, "Chloe, next time you do that, I will let you have the last word." And, I did. I did not speak to her for three months. There was nothing else to do. She went into a psychiatric hospital and was there for three months. I was giving her money. I then heard that she was out and about and using the hospital as a hotel!
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
I was a silly weak young girl,who you suduced and got pregnant and then didn't know how to get rid of.I wish I had never met you.
This one I really love! " I was a silly, weak, young girl, who you seduced and got pregnant ...." Never, NEVER! If any seducing was done, it was done by Chloe. She was big, breasty, hot, and juicy! (Sorry - but that is how it was)
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
Why you hate me so I really dont know, take a look at yourself again and what you are doing.It is not the truth and you know it everyone is bad and wicked but you, you are living under a delusion Ted.Who has no friends? Who is sad and lonely and has nothing better to do with his life but to dwell in the past?
She talks about me being 'a lonely old man'. Yes, I am alone, but I am not lonely. Loneliness is a condition if the mind, not a state of the body. I have no friends (though my neighbours will tell me that this is not true) and almost no family. My definition of a friend is someone you socialise with frequently and who you regard with esteem. My further definition is, "No more love hath any man, than he lay down his life for his friend." Other people are acquaintances or mates. I have a lot of mates and acquaintances, but few friends. Who are they? First, my son Carl - then Amy, my sister-in-law, and her husband. That's just three! But, as I have said, many times, on this site, "I am at peace." That is the important thing to me. I used to get upset about Chloe's letters and phone calls. No more though. (Except for the accusation of being a racist above,)
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
have a good life(a few frustrations)but on the whole good busy and worthwhile.I am a Youth leader at the local Methodist Church My house is always full of happy laughing children.I work voluntry in a little Arts and Crafts shop in the Village one or two days a week.I visit and help local people with decorating ect;I make things which sell in the shop for charity,I write poems and stories and some have been published and are on sale in the shop.I help at coffee mornings at the church. In the summer I take local children to the beach and to the local Theme Park with Carljr.I go to visit Carlsr. when I can and help cook and clean for him.My life is full.
If she has such a lovely life, why is she doing all this? I just started with one page to cover our relationship, and because of her voluminous responses, it has got to this!
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
hat have you ever done for any of your children? Dont lie when you say you gave Carlsr.£5/£lO pr wk.I suplied everything he needed when I lived in Scotland and Kevin when he first got his flat and even Lesley when she moved back down from Invernes.YOU SOLD HER CARPETS AND CURTAINS, from your failled hypnotic practice she told me and was quite upset at the time.YOU GAVE AWAY A HOUSE FULL OF FURNITURE TO STRANGERS WHEN KEVIN GOT HIS FIRST FLAT.Ted you are no Angel even though you would like people all over the world to think that you are.You are a NASTY!NASTY!MAN.She talks about me taking money from Lesley, for carpets and curtains from my failed business. That is true. The reason? I had no money. At that time, I had no idea of how the Inland Revenue system worked, and took my accountant's advice. (When I became an accountant, I realised what a load of old cock he had told me!) He said that on ceasing trading I had to sell the capital equipment and show the cash in my business account. I had no money to put into the account for the value of the carpets and curtains. It was a matter of selling them to Lesley, or to someone else. Lesley had them. In the long term Lesley did not lose, as she would have said if she were here.
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
am not doing the harrassing I am not putting things onto the internet about you.I have only replied to your remarks when I have felt the need to do so.Its you who put everything on your website not me.I dont look at your website every day niether does Carljr.He is just not interested.I only look now and again just to see what other stupid things you are saying when I am at my computer class.Oh yes thats something else I am doing if your interested.As I have said there were so many horid and bad things you did and I want to forget them and the past and I dont have the time anyway to waist on some one as unimportant and as nasty and wicked as you.So I wont be making any other contact in anyway with you unless it is through the courts.
She visits my site very often!
If she doesn't want her letter on this site, why was she angry when she could not see the jpgs of her letters?
Chloe, don't,
don't, DON'T contact me, PLEASE!As She is doing a computer course, and she has two sons, both computer experts, she can now have her own web site and state her case. I will put a link on my site, if she will put a link from hers to mine.
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?
One other thing that I feel should be mentioned is what you used to do to Mischa when I went out(which I sometimes did,go to Bingo with Pat)he has recently told me about and which I didn't know was that you used to hold him in a vice like grip between your legs and twist your nuckles into either side of his head hurting him.You would be in jail if you did that now.
That is correct in fact. I did it with all the children when they had a tantrum and were violent. But, as she reports it, it seems cruel. It was not. Anyway, I didn't, "Twist your knuckles into the side of his head ....."
I did this 'pin down' to all the children if they were in an uncontrollable tantrum. Chloe was there many times and agreed that it was a suitable way to deal with the situation. It was recommended in child psychology books, and TV programs. If the child is in danger of hurting his/herself, or others, then he/she is held firmly between the legs with the arms folded around the child. The child is held, while the parent tells the child that he/she is loved, and encouraged to struggle, and get rid of his/her anger. The child then expends all his/her anger. The experience is a catharthis.
Chloe would only punish the children in violent temper. She would lash out and push and punch them. I, on the other hand, would never hit the children while in a temper. (This is how I can be seen as 'cold, rigid & dogmatic) I would wait for the situation to calm down, talk to the child and then use a ruler , or stick to hit them on the hand. At school I was given the cane on my hands, and it was torture, and I swore that I would never inflict such pain on my children. The ruler was more a token punishment that a painful one.
When faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me? They knew how emotionally unstable she was and just lashed out at them.
Carljr was not taken away because of my bad parenting because there was nothing proven and no witnesss to say precisely what I was suposed to have done wrong.I am a good parent and that is why I have Carljr back and why he wants to stay with me.
She says how there was no evidence of what happened regarding her 'bad parenting'. This was because the neighbours did not record what happened. They are now doing this, and details of her shouting, screaming and banging about are being recorded and detailed notes made. The coming year will see her nemesis.
Read though this site to see the evidence of her treatment of CJ.
This is the last day of the year.I will be free of your goading and harrassment next year because I resolve to bury the past for ever.
Please God, that that is true!
If I was such a bastard, why did she harass me for two years after I left, telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back. And, when faced with the choice, why did the children ask Chloe to leave in preference to me?