Chloe has not learnt that when you are in a hole, it is best to stop digging! Once again, she gives me the opportunity to reinforce the truth.
Below is her reply to my
posting here.
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 13:14:57 Form title: E C AYLWARD SendMailTo: redirect: It wont work so dont waist your time and money. Hostname: Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; CDSource=v13b.08) |
Let me answer point for point :-
1. I have spoken with Carl and he agrees that, as he gets more money than I do, then it is not reasonable for me to give him money. At Livingston, when I was working, I would visit him each week and give him £5 or £10.
2.The other two sons have been earning £100,000pa, for years. ( I get £5,096pa after rent & council tax!)
Mischa stole £350 from me when he conned me out of my car. At Lesley's funeral, when I tackled him about the car, he put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Dad, when you're old you'll need money and I'll drop you a tenner now and again." I've never seen any bloody tenners! (and he has a big posh house --- and he's living with his partner who has a big posh house ---and he had just bought a Jag ---and he has enough cash to give Chloe £30/week.) So why not pay up and give me my money that he stole?3. I am looking forward to 'the list'. It will give me a chance to have another giggle! I do get so bloody bored, and she doe's entertain me so!
4. First time I've heard of St. Neots. If they enjoyed her company so much, why did Kevin and Deirdre, on returning from America, come to me and spy out the land to stay with me? They knew it was impossible to live with Chloe. Anyway, it doesn't really stand up to examination. And, for goodness sake, ask CJ what it is like living with Chloe!
5. They wanted me to stay because of my money? Don't make me laugh! They knew very well that I was not a 'soft touch'. Far from it! What they did get was the £4/week that Lesley saved from the housekeeping. (50p/week each and the rest in the holiday fund -- and she only got the same amount less some because Chloe left)
If they did say that they prefered to stay with Chloe, it would because of their fear of her. They know that Chloe would wreak havoc in their personal lives if they upset her.
6. I did not 'put Chloe out'. The kids preferred Chloe to go, instead of me.
I was dying for the kids to tell me to go. I had already left two times and they had begged me to come back because of the madhouse Chloe created. I used all my skills in speaking, to persuade them to choose Chloe. To no avail.7. Why did I have the silly cow back? She was conning me by saying that she was not working, and I was sending her £40/week (Equivalent to £400/week now). She has always been a 'con merchant', especially with 'friends' and religious bodies. (Non, je ne regrette rien!)
So, what should I do now? Yesterday I decided to give CJ £10/week for ten weeks, if he had a bath each week. Well, I'll now change it, in the light of Chloe's response above. I will give it to him, without the bath condition. It only needs Chloe to tell his dad that I can give it to him, and I will. If she will not give her permission, then CJ will lose £100.
Have I painted her into a corner?
Oh, btw CJ, hpy bhday n don't take ne of ths seriously. Ony ol farts actng stpid!